Brave New World Audiobook is a well-known chilling novel that features a dystopian and science fiction story authored by Aldous Huxley. The book was originally published in 1932, and later on, published on 1st September 1998 by publisher Perennial Classics comprising 288 pages. Aldous foresees the future of a person through prenatal treatments and in vitro fertilization. However, the novel is disturbing and funny as well.
Exploring ‘Brave New World Audiobook’: Review, Analysis and Key Insights:
Brave New World CDAudiobook is a blend of pleasure and science. It offers satisfaction and contentment with the exploration of technology. Huxley conveys his message that technology does not possess the power to save human nature successfully. The story features world controllers which create a perfect society.
Use of brainwashing, genetic engineering, drugs and recreational sex all of its members are consumers. Bernard Marx harbors an ill crucial longing to rupture free. Imperfect and old life continues with distress. The story continues to find the cure.
Brave New World Audiobook Free showcases dystopian satires and society. The society is humorous and ultimately chilling. The story does not include any detailed descriptions of sex while the promiscuous sexual category is considered as a norm. The story features violent characters and suicides as well. The citizens are addicted to a hallucinatory or tranquillizing drug. The story seems relevant according to the 21st-century readers.
Movie adaptation:
Brave New World is adapted as a movie two times in the years 1980 and 1998. The sci-fi movie emphasizes sheds with blazing light and ensures a real masterpiece.
About Author (Aldous Huxley):
Aldous Huxley was a famous English writer who left the world on 22nd November 1963. He is known for writing wide-ranging essays on short stories, travel writing, poetry, film stories, and scripts. He also performs as a critic of norms, social mores, and ideals. He focuses on spiritual subjects and acknowledges the intellectuals of his time.
Listen To Brave New World Audiobook Full Mp 3:
Brave New World MP 3 is given below in 5 parts which include all the chapters of the book. Start listening to it and enjoy.
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