The City of Ashes Audiobook is known to be the second instalment in the series of The Mortal Instruments. This series is an urban fantasy series that was set in New York. The City of Ashes was written by Cassandra Clare, and the cover artist is Cliff Nielsen. The book comes under the genre of fantasy and adventure. It was published on 25th March 2008. It is preceded by the City of Bones and was followed by the City of Glass.
Exploring ‘City of Ashes Audiobook’: Review, Analysis and Key Insights:
City of Ashes Audio has been highly praised by The Duluth News Tribune, which called the book as gripping. It was also praised by The School Library Journal while comparing it to “like watching a particularly good werewolf movie”. On the other hand, this book was given four stars by the common sense of media. It was also positively reviewed by Seventeen Magazine, which said that the book was funny, smart, and romantic.
The City of Ashes Audiobook is a popular Fictional Novel written by Cassandra Clare. It second book in The Mortal Instruments Audiobook Series. It was originally published on March 25, 2008. The book follows the genre of Fantasy adventure; Urban Fantasy. It has a rating of 4.2 Star Review on Good Reads.
The City of Ashes CDAudiobook starts by displaying Valentine in a structure in Manhattan with a youthful warlock named Elias. Valentine persuades the warlock to bring an exceptionally ground-breaking evil presence yet Elias is slaughtered when the pentagram he attracts request to contain it doesn’t work.
About The Author (Cassandra Clare):
Cassandra Clare is an American author. Her original name is Judith Lewis, but she is known by her pen name Cassandra Clare. She is an author of young adult fiction, and she is known famously for one of her bestselling series “The Mortal Instruments”.
Listen To the City of Ashes Audiobook Full Free MP 3:
City of Ashes Mp 3 is given below in 1 Complete part which includes all the chapters of the book, Start listening to it today and enjoy.
Listen To Audiobook
Hi this link or video is not working. Do you have another link for it? I just
finished City of Bones and was ready to start City of Ashes but it isn’t working.
Please let me know if it will be fixed soon? I’m so sad. Thanks
we are working on it sir, will make it available soon.
Thank You! I’m stuck waiting for the next book in 2 different series. I hope you can get City of Ashes fixed and uploaded soon!
Yes it will be fixed soon.
Thanks!! We appreciate your time & help with fixed! I have several kiddos waiting Impatiently, asking me Every Day when we can continue listening to the series! Thanks A lot!
The first audiobook player doesn’t work
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
Sorry but i Think you posted first part od the third BOOK and that is second
No Sir The Correct Book has been uploaded
Maja is right, city of glass also starts with this chapter.
So it seems to be the wrong upload.
I dont think so. I have read this BOOK earlier, and I am sure that Sebastian have show for the first time in the third book, and look at first part of city of glass and you see that it is the same 😉
I am pretty sure it is not the 2nd book
Hi, dear. Part 1 is the third book.
It has been corrected, The complete correct book is uploaded. Thnx for letting us know. and sorry for the delay
Hello I love this series and I listen while I work. Could you please fix the link to the first part?? Thank you so much!
It will be done soon.
Hi, do you know around when would it be fixed? I check the site every day, hoping. thank you for your hard work!
Today For Sure
when it wil be work???
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
part 1 does not work
working on it sir
when would it be fixed? part 1 dont work
Dear Users,
As mentioned in replies to previous comments, we are working on it but the problem is that the size is above 1 GB and we are facing serious problem with internet speed. We have already made several attempts to upload the part1 but due to internet problem it keeps on fails. It will be fixed in 1st priority.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
What time today were you hoping to get it fixed because I cannot wait to listen to it.
Dear Users,
As mentioned in replies to previous comments, we are working on it but the problem is that the size is above 1 GB and we are facing serious problem with internet speed. We have already made several attempts to upload the part1 but due to internet problem it keeps on fails. It will be fixed in 1st priority.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
please fix part 1 it is still does not work
WE are working on it, It will be fixed Soon.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
it is still not working
WE are working on it, It will be fixed Soon.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
Please fix this, people asking you this for half a month. You Said that for sure it would be fix three days ago. Why you are keep lying?
Dear Mam,
It did say that it will be fixed in three days, but the problem is that due to quarantine the internet speed of our hosting providers have became very slow, And Part 1 of the audiobook sizes above 1 GB. I have already made several attempts to upload it, but due to internet issue, it keeps on getting fail. I m really trying my best.
I can make you sure that it will be fixed ASAP.
Hi, I’m sorry for the trouble, but that’s not Part 1 of city of Ashes. A lot of things got skipped.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
Can’t believe how cheeky people are on this. It’s people doing us a favour by giving us out free audiobooks. Get a grip of your life and if your not happy because people have a life outside u go pay for it 😁
Anyone who wants to volunteer in helping us to upload the Part:1. We made 3 attempts today and again we got unlucky because of internet connection.
Anyone with a good internet connection who wanna volunteer kindly emails me at [email protected] with a subject Volunteer.
Finally, Part 1 Has Been Fixed, Enjoy Now 🙂
It is in bad quality, but thanks soooo much that it is ready <3
The improved quality has been uploaded
This isn´t the 2nd book
It has been corrected, The complete correct book is uploaded. Thnx for letting us know. and sorry for the delay
Why can’t I download the audiobook?
Download links are given below the audio