The novel named, The Name of The Wind Audiobook, is a heroic fantasy novel written by American author Patrick Rothfuss and was published on March 27, 2007, by DAW Books. The book is the first in the Series known As KingKiller Chronicle. It follows the genre of Heroic Fantasy with an amazing rating of 4.5 on Goodreads.
Exploring ‘The Name of The Wind Audiobook’: Review, Analysis and Key Insights:
The Name of the Wind Unabridged Audiobook is the first book of The Kingkiller Chronicle Audiobook Series. This novel is about the young man Kvothe, who is one of the most scandalous magicians. The book does not have any generic characteristics of fantasy. The book is divided into two timeline portions: the first portion is in the present timeline, which is narrated by the third person, while the second timeline portion is narrated by the main character of the novel Kvothe himself.
The Name of the Wind Audiobook is the frame story i.e., a story within the story and takes place at The Waystone Inn located in Newarre. The story is narrated by a man named Kote, who is soon disclosed as a pseudonym of the legendary figure Kvothe. The companion piece to the story reflects the man’s lifetime as an adventurer and also a student of The University, written by the Chronicle over three days.
The first day of the narrative starts when Kvothe is eleven years old. His parents lead a troupe of Edema Ruh entertainers. Soon, his troupe is slaughtered by the group known as The Chandrian, a folkloric group, this causes his childhood to lead as an orphan on the streets of Tarbean.
After three years he meets the storyteller Skarpi, whose tales encourage him to get admission to the University. He travels to the institution where he is admitted on a scholarship.
The remainder of the novel encompasses approximately five years of his early life. He does his studies very well at the University. He is also very poor which causes so many hindrances for him as tuition is very expensive at the University. In the end, Kvothe uses The Name of the Wind against his rival Ambrose Jakis.
About Author (Patrick Rothfuss):
Patrick Rothfuss is the author of The Kingkiller Chronicle and many other books. He is an American writer of fantasy fiction and an award-winning too. His book The Name of the Wind is devoid of the generic characteristic of fantasy.
Listen To The Name of The Wind Audiobook Free – Full Length MP 3:
The Name of The Wind MP 3 Complete is mentioned below in 13 parts which include all the chapters of the book. Start Listening and Enjoy.
Listen To Audiobook
Part one doesn’t work
Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know that the audiobook is not working. There is no content. Would appreciate if you could fix TY
Sorry for the trouble it has been fixed, enjoy.
Hi audiobook labs, I was wondering if you plan to release Wise Mans Fear.
It has been noted and will be uploaded soon.
There is no Part 11… Part 12 is the same as Part 11
IT has been fixed, thanks for letting us know.
part 11 and 12 are same.
Thnx for letting us know, the issue has been fixed
Hi, part 6 seems to be broken, can’t get past minute 4
its fine, can you please try again
you guys are nice people