The Things They Carried Audiobook is a popular Psychological Fiction, War story Novel written by Tim O’Brien. The novel is a collection of short stories all of which are interrelated to each other. The writer has described different stories of the Vietnam War and has discussed a series of events that occurred during the war. It also includes short biographies of many soldiers of the war who fought there and survived the harshest conditions of the war.
Exploring ‘The Things They Carried Audiobook’: Review, Analysis and Key Insights:
The Things They Carried CDAudiobook is a pure war novel which includes all real-life events and occurrences of the Vietnam War. The writer has described all the political, and emotional events which occur during the war and has summed all this into a single book. Tim O’Brien is popular for his war writing stories and it’s his third book on war. He was also a participant in the war seeing many of the events written in the book with his own eyes.
The Things They Carried Unabridged Audiobook Free is written by Tim O’Brien. The book was published on March 28, 1990, and was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers. The genre of the books is Psychological Fiction and war stories. The book has an amazing 4.1-star rating on Goodreads.
Name: | The Things They Carried Audiobook |
Author: | Tim O’Brien. |
Series: | None |
Genre: | Psychological Fiction, War story |
Publishing Date: | March 28, 1990 |
Publisher: | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |
Rating: | 4.1 |
Novel Plot:
The Things They Carried CD is a collection of short stories and events describing the occurrence of the Vietnam War and sums all these events into a novel format. The writer has also mentioned some real emotional moments of the war which makes the reader really involved in the story.
It is a form of semi-autobiography where the life of many soldiers in Vietnam has been discussed. Readers got involved in reading firstly because of the amazing stories and the pattern in which they are written and secondly because of the natural attachment to the war.
About The Author (Tim O’Brien ):
Tim O’Brien is an American novelist who is known because of popular books on war known as “The Things They Carried”. The book is a collection of stories from which Tim O’Brien was inspired during the Vietnam War.
Listen To The Things They Carried Audiobook Mp 3 Full Free:
The Things They Carried Mp 3 is given below which includes all the chapters of the book. Start listening to it and enjoy it.
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